(Letter to the editor in the Marietta Daily Journal)
Cobb’s need for greenspace critical
The unceasing and significant need for land and green space for Cobb County parks has reached the point where it is critical and needs to be addressed. It’s urgent that Cobb County take immediate steps to explore and examine any and all plausible procedures to continually locate and procure suitable land every year for Cobb County parks. The present method of holding bond referendums to fund the purchase of land is too costly, too time consuming and slow moving. It may also be too political.
Because the county didn’t purchase (1) acre of land for parks since 2008, we are now in a very dangerous situation. Presently, there are now fewer acres available for purchase and the price per acre has significantly increased since 2008. So what can and should be done?
First of all, there has to be a commitment by everyone and every county department head that is involved, including any county boards or commissions, to solve and fix this problem as soon as possible for obvious reasons. Available land is rapidly vanishing while every type of development is picking up speed. We all know that land isn’t made anymore and you can’t buy any at Home Depot. In fact, if we don’t take some corrective action as soon as possible, Cobb County will be nothing but homes, apartments, shopping centers, office buildings, schools, government buildings, churches, entertainment centers and grid-locked roads. Oops, I almost forgot, and a major league baseball stadium.
This is a challenge that can be addressed and overcome. Let’s put our heads together and find a solution ASAP.
Topics for discussion:
County population and density versus acres for parks.
Available acres needed per 10K of population for park land.
Budgeting and funding solutions.
How to obtain and use the 2008 remaining referendum money?
Land purchasing process and related issues.
Zoning and county code concerns.
Definition of Cobb County Parks?
County Legal approval.
Joe O’Connor
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Cobb s need for greenspace critical