The Marietta Daily Journal - If we can fund stadium we can find money for greenspace
January 3, 2016
As a member of both the committees appointed by the commissioners to identify potential park land, I encourage our current board to consider respecting the vote of the citizens and proceed to explore funding the acquisition of park/green space that may still be available. We spent hours of our personal time (unpaid) and traveled many miles only to find at the last minute that our efforts were in vain, due to commitment of the Commission Chair not to raise taxes. Retrospectively, not sure that the decision was in the best long-term interest of the county.
If we can find funding for a Braves Stadium, surely we can find funding for the benefit of present and future generations that need “green” space, space quickly disappearing.
Jimmy Durham
Published in the Marietta Daily Journal on January 3, 2016. View the original link here.
January 3, 2016
As a member of both the committees appointed by the commissioners to identify potential park land, I encourage our current board to consider respecting the vote of the citizens and proceed to explore funding the acquisition of park/green space that may still be available. We spent hours of our personal time (unpaid) and traveled many miles only to find at the last minute that our efforts were in vain, due to commitment of the Commission Chair not to raise taxes. Retrospectively, not sure that the decision was in the best long-term interest of the county.
If we can find funding for a Braves Stadium, surely we can find funding for the benefit of present and future generations that need “green” space, space quickly disappearing.
Jimmy Durham
Published in the Marietta Daily Journal on January 3, 2016. View the original link here.